
Our purpose is to provide information both to clergy seeking a new call and other Transition Ministry Officers as they seek to assist clergy as they seek new calls.
Seeking Transition?Open Positions »

Our Dioceses

Transition Ministry Officers of the dioceses of Bethlehem, Central New York, Central Pennsylvania, Chicago, Connecticut, Delaware, East Carolina, Eastern Michigan, Easton, Indianapolis, Long island, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Milwaukee, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Newark, North Carolina, Northern Indiana, Northwestern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Rhode Island, Rochester, Southern Ohio, Southern Virginia, Southwestern Virginia, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Western Massachusetts, Western Michigan, Western New York, Western North Carolina and Europe.

About Us

Our purpose is to provide information both to clergy seeking a new call and other Transition Ministry Officers as they seek to assist clergy as they seek new calls. While on occasion the website will offer positions that are for lay professionals, at the present time this is not the principle focus of the information offered.

The information provided on this website comes directly from the transition ministry offices of the diocese participating in the TMC. Each diocese is responsible for the information offered about the positions open in each diocese.

All contact information including names, titles, phone numbers, postal and email addresses are provided for all Transition Ministry Officers. If you are interested in applying for a position and the information indicates that a particular search is not yet ready to receive names, contact the Transition Ministry Officer about the status of the search and a possible timetable.

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